【拼音】diào hǔ lí shān
【注音】ㄉㄧㄠˋ ㄏㄨˇ ㄌㄧˊ ㄕㄢ
【英文】[lure the tiger out of the mountains;(fig) lure the enemy away from his base]
比喻为了便于乘机行事,设法引诱对方离开原来的地方。《西游记》第五三回:“我是个调虎离山计,哄你出来争战。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一○六回:“ 弥轩 见调虎离山之计已行,便向 龙光 动手。”周而复《上海的早晨》第三部二六:“表面上是为了关怀 朱延年 和 马丽琳 ,实际上是调虎离山,好让 林宛芝 出面招待客人。”[2]
【英文】lure the tiger out of the mountains < lure the enemy away from his base> (luring the tiger out of his den)
1. So this had been a trick to lure the tiger from the mountain! Zhu Laogong's lungs nearly burst with rage. 朱老巩明白过来, 是调虎离山计,一时气炸了肺。
2. What if Carlo had put Sonny an the spot, fingered him. 要是卡罗搞调虎离山,把桑儿引进埋伏圈,让人家去打,那你又怎么想?
【法文】attirer par ruse un adversaire hors de son domaine
【德文】den Tiger vom Berg weglocken
【俄文】выманить на открытое мéсто