爱国名言警句英语版-Patriotism is a pernicious(2)

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  I do not mean to exclude altogether the idea of patriotism. I know it exists, and I know it has done much in the present contest. But I will venture to assert, that a great and lasting war can never be supported on this principle alone. It must be aided by a prospect of interest, or some reward. 本文来自英语学习网,转载请注明出处!

  --George Washington



  Nationalism is our form of incest, is our idolatry, is our insanity. "Patriotism" is its cult. It should hardly be necessary to say, that by "patriotism" I mean that attitude which puts the own nation above humanity, above the principles of truth and justice; not the loving interest in one's own nation, which is the concern with the nation's spiritual as much as with its material welfare -- never with its power over other nations. Just as love for one individual which excludes the love for others is not love, love for one's country which is not part of one's love for humanity is not love, but idolatrous worship.

  --Erich Fromm

  民族主义是我们的乱伦模式,是我们的偶像崇拜,是我们的疯狂。“爱国主义”是它的迷信崇拜。不必说,我所谓的 “爱国主义”态度将自己的国家置于人道之上,置于正义与真理的原则之上;不是对某人自己国家的利益的热爱,这种热爱既关注国家的精神财富也关注它的物质财富——从不以强力欺凌别国。仅仅爱一个个体而排斥对他人的爱就不是爱,不把爱某人的国家作为对人道主义的热爱的组成部分就不是爱,而是偶像崇拜。


  My country, always wrong.

  --Student Slogan



  Our country right or wrong.

  --Stephen Decatur



  It is sometimes necessary to lie damnably in the interests of the nation.

  --Hilaire Belloc


  ——海莱尔·贝洛克 (1870-1953, 出生于法国的英国评论家, 诗人)

  My country wrong or right, is like saying my mother, drunk or sober.

  --Gilbert K. Chesterton


  ——吉尔伯特·K. 切斯特顿

  Many a bum show has been saved by the flag.

  George M. Cohan


  ——乔治·M. 科汉

  It is the patriotic duty of every man to lie for his country.

  --Alfred Adler




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