历史:布偶猫的确切来由可追搠到60年代,有位住在加州的妇女安贝可(Ann Baker)开始经营布偶猫种的培育,她的第一只育种猫叫做ephine乔瑟芬,它是只全白的混种长毛猫。安贝可本来是波斯猫繁殖商,在她开始培育布偶猫之前,她家的猫大部份都是黑色的。 她跟邻居要了乔瑟芬回家后,就到户外去找以前乔瑟芬和不同公猫配过后生下的小猫,安贝可找着了二只,都给抓了回来。而安贝可找来的种公,叫做Warbucks,它有个白鼻,尾端也是白的。安贝可让他和其他母猫交配,结果生下的小猫,全都有像暹逻的重点花色。
头部:呈等边三角形, 双耳之间平坦. 面颊顺着面形线而成为楔形
耳朵:中等大小, 微微张开底部阔. 双耳间距宽阔; 耳尖浑圆而向前倾
眼睛:大, 明亮, 蓝色、椭圆形. 双眼间距宽阔, 微微向上扬
下巴:下巴要发育良好, 强壮, 并与上唇和鼻子成一直线
四肢:中等长度. 后肢较前肢长, 前肢的毛亦较后肢的短
足部:比例上较大且圆, 有穗成簇状
尾巴:长、成羽毛状, 覆盖着蓬松的披毛
被毛:自然又不打结的中等长毛, 形成柔软的双层披毛. 面部的毛较短, 而颈毛则较长
一头理想的布偶猫身形较大, 身体魁梧,身材较长,胸部宽阔,肌肉发达。头大小适中,脸呈略圆的V字形,两耳之间的头顶部分平坦。被毛长而厚密,摸上去像丝一样的轻柔。它的体毛不是紧贴身体,而是直立起来。拥有一身中等长度的毛和蓝眼睛. 布偶猫的身体强健而结实, 加上状似羽毛的长尾巴是其特征。
Breed Profile: Ragdoll
Ragdolls are large, laid-back, semi longhaired cats with captivating blue eyes. The Ragdoll is a pointed breed, which means that the body is lighter in color than the points (the face, legs, tail and ears). The Ragdoll cat is carefully bred to produce large affectionate animals in three patterns, two with white (mitted and bicolor) and one with no white (colorpoint). The ideal Ragdoll is a well balanced cat, with no extreme features. Altered males will usually top the scale at 15-20 pounds; females are proportionately smaller and usually weigh between 10-15 pounds at maturity. Ragdolls are slow-maturing, reaching full coat color at two years, and full size and weight at four.
Ragdoll cats tend to be more interested in humans than some breeds of cats. They are known to run to greet you at the door, follow you from room to room, flop on you, sleep with you, and generally choose to be where you are. Many Ragdolls have been taught to come when called and play fetch. They are gentle cats, and usually play without extending their claws. Ragdolls tend to be floor cats, not jumpers. The Ragdoll抯 semi long coat is plush and silky, and requires minimal grooming to keep it looking its best. They should be combed with a steel comb on a regular basis to find and remove any loose hair or tangles. Quality coats consist mainly of long, soft guard hairs. Ragdolls, just like all breeds of cats, will shed, usually with the change of seasons.The absence of the thick, dense, insulating undercoats results in reduced shedding and matting. In all, Ragdolls are well behaved, and easy to care for ?perfect for our modern, busy, lifestyles.
There are four patterns: bi-color, van, mitted and colorpoint. Patterns come in six colors: seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, and cream. Points may be solid, lynx, tortie, or torbie (tortie and lynx). If you do the math, you can see that there are quite a large number of different combinations possible! CFA accepts bi-color and van patterns for showing in the full array of color combinations; mitteds and colorpoints are registered and shown in the AOV class (Any Other Variety) where they are judged and ranked but do not attain titles at this time.
Colorpoint Ragdolls have the classic pointed markings with no white anywhere in their coat. Mitteds have white feet in the front and white boots that go all the way up and around the hock in the back, a white chin and belly stripe. Mitted Ragdolls may have a blaze, star or hourglass shaped atch of white on their forhead and nose. Bi- colors have more white?all four paws, their underbodies, chest, and an upside-down 慥?marking on their faces are white. They may have a splash or two of white on their backs. Only their tails, ears, and the outer part of their masks show the darker markings. In the Van pattern, only the top of the mask, ears, and tail, and perhaps a few spots on the body, show darker markings.
Ragdolls were developed in the 1960 by Ann Baker; a breeder in Riverside California. The origin of the Ragdoll breed consisted almost entirely of free-roaming cats. Ann bred Josephine, a domestic longhaired white female that was found running loose in her neighborhood, to other cats she owned or found. The offspring of this female had unique temperament traits that were very endearing. By selecting individuals with the look, temperament and criteria she wanted for her breeding program, she created the Ragdoll breed.
Pricing on Ragdolls usually depends on type, applicable markings and bloodlines. Usually breeders make kittens available between twelve and sixteen weeks of age. After twelve weeks, kittens have had their basic inoculations and developed the physical and social stability needed for a new environment, showing, or being transported by air. Keeping such a rare treasure indoors, neutering or spaying and providing acceptable surfaces (e.g. scratching posts) for the natural behavior of scratching (CFA disapproves of declawing or tendonectomy surgery) are essential elements for maintaining a healthy, long and joyful life.
There are CFA clubs devoted to the promotion, protection and preservation of the Ragdoll breed. For more information, please send inquiries to CFA, PO Box 1005, Manasquan NJ 08736-0805.