
咏良 1172分享



  一 听力部分

  1、Look and match .(看一看,连一连 15分)


  duck lion

  window yoyo


  2、 Choose.(选择 12分)

  ( )1) Here you are .___________

  A、OK B、Yes C、Thank you .

  ( )2) Where do you play football?_______

  A、At the park. B、I play football. C、 I get up at 6.

  ( )3) _____ do you go to school ? I walk to school .

  A、Where B、How C、What

  ( )4) Does Lingling play the drums?_________

  A、 Yes, she doesn’t. B、No,she doesn’t. C、No, he doesn’t.

  3 、Look and write .(选择合适的单词写在正确的图片下 18分)

  apple T-shirt moon bus spring coat

  4、Read and match .(读一读,连一连 12分)

  go to school

  watch TV

  by plane

  go skating

  Happy Chirstmas

  have lunch

  5、Read and circle . (读一读,圈一圈 15分)

  1)I go to school by (walk / bike).

  2) Do you like apples? Yes, I ( do /don’t ).

  3) Amy (like /likes ) dresses .

  4) A book ( for / to ) you .

  5) What does he do ( in / at )summer ?

  6、Write the letters.( 按照字母表顺序补全单词 16分)

  7、Read and match .(读一读,连一连 12分)

  1)It’s spring,

  We wear jackets.

  2)It’s summer,

  We wear T-shirts

  and sunglasses.

  3)It’s autumn,

  We wear sweaters.

  4)It’s winter.

  We wear coats

  and gloves.