1. I haven't enough confidence.
1. 我信心不足。
2. It'll be enough for five people.
2. 这些东西五个人也够吃了。
3. The situation is serious enough.
3. 情况够严重的。
4. I've talked quite enough for today.
4. 今天已经讲得够多了。
5. Curiously enough, I've never seen her before.
5. 真奇怪,我从来没有见过。
6. That's fair enough.
6. 这句话颇有道理。
7. Enthusiasm alone is not enough.
7. 仅有热情是不够的。
8. I was enough of a fool not to think of that.
8. 我怎么傻到连这一点儿也没有想起来。