英文儿歌:Ants in Your Pants——Eric Herman
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英文儿歌:Ants in Your Pants——Eric Herman
ants in your pants。 Ants 就是蚂蚁, pants 就是裤子。蚂蚁钻进了裤子,你可以想象是个什么滋味了。你肯定坐不住了。 Ants in your pants 这个俗语的意思就是一个人很紧张,坐立不安。我们来举个例子吧: 例句-1: "The company financial report isn’t due until next Friday. But the boss has ants in his pants and wants us to have it all ready for him on Tuesday morning." 这句话的意思是:“我们公司的财务报告应该是下星期五才交。但是,我们的老板紧张得要命,非要我们在星期二早上就交给他。”相关视频
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