《我是你的TFphone》插曲《Let It Go 》歌词
由TFBOYS三小只主演得治愈系网络剧《我是你的TFphone》大家都看了吗?小编已经看好几遍了,里面有很多好听的歌曲呢,今天,小编就给大家分享一首很好听的插曲《Let It Go》,跃动的旋律,瞬间扫除心中所有的不快。
Let It Go - IO
When your day just gets hard
You just cannot handle
You keep telling yourself it's not so bad it is gonna be alright
When you think you have had way too much of this life
You can take a break and take a breath
Don't worry cause we know you
Let it go let it go you still can fix it all
No one is gonna let you down
Let it go let it go you wanna be alright
You just cannot do at once but we know you
I tried it all and did it all but I just can't do no more
Our dreams our hope I never understood for once
I trusted all and gave it all but I just won't care at all
Our dreams our hope never going to fall for them and you
Let it go let it go you still can fix it all
No one is gonna let you down
Let it go let it go you wanna be alright
You just cannot do at once but we know you
I tried it all and did it all but I just can't do no more
Our dreams our hope I never understood for once
I trusted all and gave it all but I just won't care at all
Our dreams our hope never going to fall for them and you
And you
And you
And you
I tried it all and did it all but I just can't do no more
Our dreams our hope I never understood for once
I trusted all and gave it all but I just won't care at all
Our dreams our hope never going to fall for them and you