“山东天后”蕾哈娜歌曲《Diamonds(In The Sky)》的原英文歌词

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  《Diamonds(In The Sky)》的由巴巴多斯女歌手蕾哈娜演唱的流行歌曲,歌曲由希雅·富勒、班尼·布兰科以及星门团队等人合作撰写,音乐制作由班尼·布兰科和星门团队负责。这首歌曲收录在蕾哈娜的第七张录音室专辑《Unapologetic》中,并作为该专辑的首支单曲于2012年9月27日由Def Jam唱片公司和SRP唱片公司发行。

  《Diamonds(In The Sky)》创作背景

  2012年初,班尼·布兰科以及星门团队在纽约城工作室创作歌曲,同时他们在工作室完成了《Diamonds(In The Sky)》的初始版本。然而班尼和星门团队并没有考虑将《Diamonds(In The Sky)》由蕾哈娜演唱,他们考虑由说唱歌手坎耶·维斯特进行演唱。在歌曲谱曲完毕后,Sia加入了歌曲的创作并在14分钟内完成了歌词撰写。歌曲创作完毕后,蕾哈娜接受了歌曲并进行试唱。歌曲先后在纽约城工作室以及洛杉矶的西湖工作室完成录制 。

  《Diamonds(In The Sky)》歌曲歌词


  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Find light in the beautiful sea, I choose to be happy

  You and I, you and I , we're like diamonds in the sky

  You're a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy

  When you hold me, I'm alive

  We're like diamonds in the sky

  I knew that we'd become one right away

  Oh, right away

  At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays

  I saw the life inside your eyes

  So shine bright tonight,

  You and I

  We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

  Eye to eye,

  So alive

  We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shining bright like a diamond

  We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shining bright like a diamond

  We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

  Palms rise to the universe, as we moonshine and molly

  Feel the warmth, we'll never die

  We're like diamonds in the sky

  You're a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy

  When you hold me, I'm alive

  We're like diamonds in the sky

  At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays

  I saw the life inside your eyes

  So shine bright


  You and I

  We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

  Eye to eye,

  So alive

  We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shining bright like a diamond

  We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shining bright like a diamond

  We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shine bright like a diamond

  So shine bright


  You and I

  We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

  Eye to eye,

  So alive

  We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shine bright like a diamond

  Shine bright like a diamond

  《Diamonds(In The Sky)》歌曲鉴赏

  在《Diamonds》中,蕾哈娜全情投入,蕾哈娜在唱出第一句歌词时,这声音就像口香糖一样紧紧缠在我们的脑海里再难摆脱 。歌曲与她以往的火爆劲歌、洗脑电音不同,回归了R&B。在制作和演唱的处理上,走的也是复古圆润的路线 。歌曲的简谱由B小调构成,被定义为中拍类型(mid-tempo)节奏歌曲,歌曲的节拍为每分钟92次,蕾哈娜的音域从低音符的F3跨越到高音符的D5 。

  《Diamonds(In The Sky)》歌曲MV

  在MV中,蕾哈娜身着一袭透明长裙,背后有汽车等物体火势蔓延,与电影《魔女嘉莉》中的造型不谋而合。MV中还出现闪亮的钻石,碧蓝的海水,火红的火焰,在色彩上带有浓重的文艺气息。时光倒流,蕾哈娜从狂野之中回归平静,将自己置身于浩瀚无际的大海之中。在MV中还有蕾哈娜亲身上阵在浓烟弥漫的环境下拍摄车祸爆炸的惊险特写镜头 。

