Birdie's Cradle英文儿歌视频歌词在线播放
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Birdie s Cradle这首英文儿歌是说小鸟在高高的树枝中有一个温暖的鸟巢,小鸟在鸟巢里面很安全,小鸟非常快乐,小朋友们,赶快来学习这首儿歌吧!
儿歌《Birdie s Cradle》歌词:
In the tall boughs on the tree top, There s a nest snug and warm, In it lies a little birdie, Safe in sunshine and in storm. And the wind blows through the branches, Rocks the cradle to and fro, Happy birdie,chirping,chirping, Racking safely to and fro.