少儿英语歌曲When I was a young girl歌词视频在线看

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  少儿英语歌曲When I was a young girl视频,When I was a young girl英文儿歌视频,英语儿歌When I was a young girl歌词: When I was a young girl. A young girl,a young girl. When I was a young girl. How happy was I. And this way and that way. And this way and that way. And this way went I. When I was a teacher. A teacher,a teacher. When I was a teacher. How happy was I. And this way and that way. And this way and that way. And this way went I. When I was a sweetheart, A sweetheart,a sweetheart. When I was a sweetheart. How happy was I. And this way and that way. And this way and that way. And this way went I. When I was a husband. A husband,a husband. When I was a husband. How happy was I. And this way and that way. And this way and that way. And this way went I. When I had a baby. A baby,a baby. When I had a baby. how happy was I. And this way and that way. And this way and that way. And this way went I.


