There was a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name OHB-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-OAnd bingo was his name OhThere was a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name OHI-N-G-O I-N-G-O I-N-G-OAnd bingo was his name OhThere was a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name OHN-G-O N-G-O N-G-OAnd bingo was his name OhThere was a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name OHG-O G-O G-OAnd bingo was his name OhThere was a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name OHO O OAnd bingo was his name OhThere was a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name OHAnd bingo was his name Oh