大量可以提高阅读速度,扩大词汇量。另一方面,它还可以加强英语语感,对英语写作起着潜移默化的作用。只有当阅读量达到一定程度时,才能真正找到学英语的感觉,学生可以选择适合自己的读物,如英文报纸、杂志、科普文章。英文简写小说、散文、小品文等。在阅读时,可以留心那些反复出现的关键词、词组以及句型,时间允许的话,可以将它们记下来,注意这些词的搭配可以进行归纳整理,如,在阅读中发现学和experiment一起使用的动词很多,就可以先将experiment记下来,然后记下可以和它搭配的动词或短语动词,如:make , carry out, conduct等。如果以后再发现其它与之搭配的词,如perform,可以将perform再加进去,这种积累有助于在写作中正确运用。
合理的使用词典对掌握并运用英语语言也很有帮助。然而,许多者并未做到充分利用词典所提供的全部信息。在使用一本词典时,首先要研究本词典的使用说明等。这种说明详细提供了有关词典里使用各种符号及其它注意事项,帮助使用者最充分地使用词典。如, 《现代高级英汉双解词典》里的名词后面都有[U] 或[C]符号,[U]代表不可数名词,[C]则代表可数名词。它们帮助你如何正确使用这些名词。如果在本词典里动词后面看到这种符号,你参看前面的用法说明后就会知道,VP代表动词类型,后面的数字代表动词类型的编号。说明中共提供了25种动词类型并配有例子及注释。它教给你如何运用词典里的动词。者最好学会使用英英词典,因为英语解释能使你更准确地理解词的含义。如果需要查汉英词典,也要返回来查寻你所查出的英语词解释及其用法。
中国人学英语往往习惯用汉语思维,在听和读时,总要在脑子里把英语翻译成汉语;在说和写时,又先想汉语,然后将汉语翻译成英语。要学会用英语思维,也需要一个过程。它需要者真正掌握一定程度的英语语言知识,并对其进行自发的应用。用英语思维就可憎避免由于汉英语言的完全对应关系而出现的中国式英语。 当然,只谈技巧,不付诸实践,只是纸上谈兵。只学射击技巧,而不刻苦练习射击,绝成不了神枪手。因此还应当多写、多练,可采用写、感想、随笔、见闻等多种形式反复练习,才可以逐步提高英语书面表达能力,以此提高写作质量。
现在,“光盘行动”正在全国各地如火如荼地展开。请你就这个活动用英语写一篇发言稿。内容要点如下:1. 解释“光盘”的意思 2. 阐述光盘行动的原因;3. 说明如何参与光盘行动
要求:1. 要包含所有要点 2. 可适当进行发挥 3. 词数150词左右,开头已写好,不计入总词数。
Good morning , ladies and gentlemen,
Nowadays, a campaign called Clearing Your Plate has launched throughout our country.
Clearing Your Plate means eating up all the food in your plate to save food and respect others’ labor.
There are several reasons contributing to the launch of the campaign. Firstly, while dining out, we tend to order more food than we can consume, which causes waste and has aroused public concern. Secondly, people in poverty-stricken areas suffer starvation, some of whom even die of hunger. If we save food, their sufferings can be relieved to some extent. Thirdly, people have realized saving food is a good virtue and can be beneficial to sustainable development of society as well.
To make the campaign successful, we can do what we can to raise the awareness of clearing the plate. Also, we can suggest to our parents that we should follow the campaign. What’s more, we can monitor the performance of restaurants and hotels and so on.
Let’s join in the campaign to make efforts to build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society.
简要描述事情的经过 | 过马路,被撞,左腿受伤 |
分析发生事故的原因 |
1. 没有注意来往车辆 2. 司机在学校附近没有减速慢行 |
谈谈如何避免交通事故 | (请考生根据自己的经历与感想,提出二至三点建议) |
1. 对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。
2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总次数。
3. 作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。
With the increase of traffic, more and more accidents occur every day. Last month, my classmate Zhang Hua was hit by a car when crossing the road in front of our school gate. As a result his left leg was injured and he had to stay in hospital for a month.
I think both Zhang Hua and the driver should be responsible for the accident. On the one hand, Zhang Hua should have watched out for the traffic when crossing the road. On the other hand, the driver didn’t slow down when he drove near our school. If they both had been more careful, the accident wouldn’t have happened.
To avoid traffic accidents, our school and parents should raise students’ awareness of traffic safety and tell them to obey traffic rules. Besides, the government should set up traffic lights on the road in front of school gates. Thus, traffic accidents can be reduced to the least.