1. 短语
a. come about 发生
Many a quarrel has come about through a misunderstanding. 许多争执都是由于误解而发生。
英语表示“发生”的词语还有:happen, occur, take place, break out
b. come across 偶遇
I never remember coming across a man like that. 我怎么也记不起碰到过这样一个人。
英语表示偶遇”的词语还有:run across, run into, knock into, meet with
c. come to系列
come to a conclusion /decision /agreement: =reach
come to (oneself): 苏醒
come to an end: end, stop
come to sb.'s help /aid 来帮助某人 (注意:come for sb,'s help是“来向某人求助”)
d. come up with: find
She could always come up with practical ideas.
How did you come up with the money needed?
e. 其他,如: come up, come out
2. 句式
a. come/get to do sth.(表示“渐进的过程)
You'll like him when you come to know him. 了解了他你就会喜欢他。
I finally came to realize that I was wrong. 后来我终于意识到我错了。
b. How come? (表示“惊讶”或“不解”)
--- Rose failed the driving test.
--- How come? She had practised so much and made good preparations.
c. When it comes to ... 谈到,说起
When it comes to music, I'm a complete ignoramus. 说到音乐,我是十足的门外汉。
d. It comes to me that ... 我忽然想起......
It came to me that I could have left my handbag on the taxi. 我忽然想起来或许我把手提包忘在出租车上了。
注:D句式中的come to可替换为occur to, hit, strike
作者:苏北 (公众号 苏北教育)