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  mark's thanksgiving   马克的感恩节

  Thanksgiving is a national holiday. It is celebrated once a year. Mark loved Thanksgiving. It is his favorite holiday. Every year, he cooks a turkey. Mark's wife helps him. Mark cooks other dishes, too. He makes stuffing, potato salad, and ham. Mark invites his family to his Thanksgiving. Mark has a large family. Mark's wife also invites her family. She has a small family. Everybody brings food to the table. There is always leftover food the next day. The doorbell rings. Mark invites his family inside. "Happy Thanksgiving," everybody says to each other. The food is cooked. They wait for Mark's in-laws to arrive. The doorbell rings. Mark's in-laws come inside. Everybody sits at the table. The food is served. Everybody is smiling and talking. Everybody begins to eat. Thanksgiving is a festive holiday.

  感恩节是国家法定节日,为了纪念感恩节,每年都举办一次庆祝活动,这是马克最喜欢的节日。每年,他都会做火鸡,他的妻子也会帮助他,也会做一些其他的菜。他做火鸡的填料馅是土豆沙拉和火腿。为纪念感恩节他邀请他的家人到家里做客。马克有一个大家庭,妻子也邀请她的家人,而他的妻子家是一个小家庭。每个人都把食物放到桌子上,吃剩的食物总是留到第二天吃。门铃响了,马克邀请他的家人到房间里面。”感恩节快乐,“每个人都向彼此说到。食物熟了,他们在等着马克的到来。门铃响了,马克进到房间里来,每个人都坐在桌子旁边 ,等待端上的食物,每个人都在微笑的说话,开心的吃着食物,感恩节是一个喜庆的节日。
