1. 太阳每天都是新的,你是否每天都在努力。
2. 最难的题,对你而言,并不一定在于最后一道。
3. 圣人与常人之间往往只相差一小步,而这一小步却往往需要非凡的毅力才能赶上。
4. 积一时之跬步,臻千里之遥程。
5. 今朝灯火阑珊处,何忧无友。它年折桂古蟾宫,必定有君。
6. 高考得高分的秘诀就是少丢分!
7. 积极的人在每一次忧患中都看到一个机会,而消极的人则在每个机会都看到忧患。
8. 笔记要便于看,要经常看,这是又一本教材。
9. 模拟的意义在于如何走下去。
10. 知天文通地理莘莘学子携手共进鱼跃龙门,培栋梁育英才代代园丁含辛茹苦花香桃林。
11. 忘时,忘物,忘我。
12. 高考试卷是一把刻度不均匀的尺子:对于你自己来说,难题的分值不一定高。
13. 面对机遇,不犹豫;面对抉择,不彷徨;面对决战,不惧怕!
14. 浪花总是着扬帆者的路开放的。
15. 今日寒窗苦读,必定有我;明朝独占熬头,舍我其谁?
16. 奋斗者的幸福是从痛苦起步的,享乐者的痛苦是从“幸福”开始的。
17. 遇到会做的题:仔细;遇到不会做的题:冷静。
18. 希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。
19. 自信是成功的先决条件。
20. 与其是无数遍地重温那个虚幻的玫瑰式的梦,还不如去一个静静的湖畔采一朵金黄色的野菊花。
21. 为了走上成材的道路,钢铁决不惋惜璀璨的钢花被遗弃。
1. 相信自己,世界上没有不可攀越的高峰。Believe yourself, nothing in the world can not climb.
2. 只有不断地坚持,才能在生活中获得你想要的那部分成功。Only by constantly, can you get what you want in your life.
3. 如果我们想要更多的玫瑰花,就必须种植更多的玫瑰树。If we want more roses, we must plant more trees.
4. 不要自卑,你不比别人笨。不要自满,别人不比你笨。Do not feel inferior, you are not stupid than others. Don't be complacent, others are not stupid.
5. 眉毛上的汗水和眉毛下的泪水,你必须选择一样!The brow of sweat and tears under the eyebrows, you have to choose the same!
6. 体悟好往届高考题,触类旁通。Good understanding of the previous college entrance examination, by analogy.
7. 再露锋芒,宜将剩勇追穷寇;一展鸿图,不可沽名学霸王。Then the exposed edge should be left up qiongkou Yong; and a bright future, cannot learn the overlord.
8. 从容应试,冷静思考,会做的题一题不错。Take it easy, calm thinking, will do a good title.
9. 沉着冷静,周密思考,认真严谨,仔细答卷。Calm, careful thinking, careful, careful answer.
10. 高三不再有,劝君珍惜之。一年之经历,终身之财富。Three no, I cherish. A year of experience, a lifetime of wealth.
11. 只有强者才懂得斗争;弱者甚至失败都不够资格,而是生来就是被征服的。Only the strong know how to fight; the weak are not even qualified, but are born to be conquered.
12. 不要轻言放弃否则对不起自己。Don't give up or sorry for myself.
13. 天天都是一个出发点,每天都有一点提高,每天都有一点收成!Every day is a starting point, every day a little increase, every day a little harvest!
14. 认认真真考试,堂堂正正做人。Earnest examination, dignified and imposing man.
15. 不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵,不想考清华的学生不是好学生!Don't want to be a soldier is not a good soldier, don't want to take an examination of Tsinghua students is not a good student!
16. 再冷的石头,坐上三年也会暖。Again cold stone, sit three years will be warm.
17. 行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。Action is the ladder of success, the more action, the higher the board.
18. 苦干加巧干,本科重点有希望。Work hard and smart, the emphasis will have hope.
19. 超越自己,向自己挑战,向弱项挑战,向懒惰挑战,向陋习挑战。Beyond ourselves, to challenge their own weaknesses, to challenge, challenge to the lazy, bad habits to challenge.
20. 贵在坚持、难在坚持、成在坚持。Perseverance, hard to adhere to, adhere to.
21. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。Only has compared to the others early, diligently diligently, can feel the successful taste.
22. 作业考试化,考试高考化,将平时考试当高考,高考考试当平时。Job examination, examination of college entrance examination, will usually test when the college entrance examination, the college entrance examination as usual.