1. 校园是我家,平安靠大家。
2. 路无规不畅,国无法不宁。
3. 严格安全检查,避免严重后果。
4. 生命至高无上,安全责任为天。
5. 安全总动员,平安你我他。
6. 细小漏洞不补,事故洪流难堵。
7. 不讲卫生要生病,不讲安全要送命!
8. 一人操心一处安,众人操心保平安。
9. 事故牵动千万家,安全要靠你我他。
10. 安全投入不可少,隐患排查最重要。
11. 高高兴兴上班(学),平平安安回家。
12. 平安校园我爱它,人人安全靠大家。
13. 安全法规血写成,违章害己害亲人。
14. 高空不系安全带,迟早给己带来害!
15. 时时注意安全,处处预防事故。
16. 质量是安全基础,安全为生产前提。
17. 无情于违章惩处,有情于幸福家庭。
18. 安全是生命之本,违章是事故之源。
19. 一人把关一人安,众人把关稳如山。
20. 从点滴行为注意,从保命措施做起。
21. 油门踩下责任先,车轮一转慎安全。
1. 船到江心补漏迟,事故临头后悔晚。But it's too late to mend the ship, the accident happen later regret.
2. 事故隐患不除尽,等于放虎归山里。Accidents is not divided, is in the wild.
3. 安全红线不能碰,违章违纪不留情。Security line can't touch, and violation of discipline is not spare.
4. 事故隐患时时有,安全生产处处抓!Accidents always have, safety in production is to grasp!
5. 知险防险不危险,违章蛮干最危险。Known risk emergency is not dangerous, illegal passing the most dangerous.
6. 好拳不在花样巧,安全别在嘴上叫。Good boxing is not coincidence, safe don't say it.
7. 祸患可销于未萌,祸患常识于忽微。Evil can be pin in not sprout, is common sense to minimal.
8. 一人把好方向盘,众人坐好平安车。A man good steering wheel, they sit down to peace.
9. 寒霜专打无根草,事故爱找偷懒人。The frost plays no root grass, accident love looking for lazy people.
10. 安全连着你我他,安全系着千万家!Safety for he, you and I, with thousands of!
11. 班前检查一分钟,有防无患莫放松。Before check in a minute, is it no mo relax.
12. 安全,安全,安全是人们生存的基本。Safety, security, security is people's basic survival.
13. 安全来自长期警惕,事故源于瞬间麻痹。Security from long-term vigilance, accidents due to instantaneous paralysis.
14. 车在轨上行是幸福路,人在轨上走是危险路。Car on-orbit uplink is happiness, road in orbit is dangerous to walk on the road.
15. 安全要讲,事故要防,安不忘危,乐不忘忧。Safe to say, to prevent the accident, don't forget to danger, don't worry.