1.What letter is an insect?(What letter sounds a useful insect?)
谜底:B 字母B的读音与bee(蜜蜂)单词的读音一样。
2.What letter is a drink?
谜底:T 字母T的读音与tea(茶)单词的读音一样。
3.What letter is a part of the head(face)?
谜底:I 字母I的读音与eye(眼睛)单词的读音一样。
4.What letter is question?
谜底:Y Y字母的读音与why(为什么)单词的读音一样。
5.What is the end of everything?
谜底:G 因字母G位于单词everything的末尾。
6.What is in the middle of night?
谜底:G 因字母G位于单词night的中间。
7.What part of a clock is always old?
谜底:The second hand. 因second hand的意思是“(钟表的)秒针”,其复合词second?鄄hand意思是“二手的,旧的,用过的”。
8.What letter goes all round an island?
谜底:C 因字母C的读音与sea(海洋)单词的读音一样。
9.What letter is neither I nor he?
谜底:U 因字母U和you(你)的读音一样。
10.What letter is like an island?
谜底:T 因字母T is in the middle of water。
11.What has an eye,but no head?
12.I have teeth,but no mouth.What am I?
13.What table has no legs?
14.How can you change a lady into a boy?
15.What has two legs but can’t walk?
谜底:A pair of trousers.
16.You can’t catch his body,