1. Attitude decides everything。 Details determine success or failure, habits of life。态度决定一切。细节决定成败,习惯成就人生。
2. To seize the opportunity to walk in front of the people, Nive out of ten will be successful。能把在面前行走的机会抓住的人,十有八九都会成功。
3. A confidence, a hard, a success, a great confidence, very hard, very successful。一份信心,一份努力,一份成功;十分信心,十分努力,十分成功。
4. The ultimate challenge, no regrets in life struggle ahead, write a chapter of fenghua。挑战极限,无悔人生奋力拼搏进取,谱写风华篇章。
5. In the history of the world, every great and noble moment is a triumph of a kind。在世界的历史中,每一伟大而高贵的时刻都是某种热忱的胜利。
6. The class is static, i。e。 seat; senior high school entrance examination will win in the battle。入班即静,入座即学;决战中考志在必赢。
7. Good coffee with friends to taste, a good opportunity to share with friends。好咖啡要和朋友一起品尝,好机会也要和朋友一起分享。
8. Because of regret, so the day; because of the dream, so to forget about one's own。因为有悔,所以披星戴月;因为有梦,所以奋不顾身。
9. The man who wins is the one who wins。 Not too far from us, but we insist on too little。胜人者智,胜之者强。不是成功离我们太远,而是我们坚持的太少。
10. It failed at the end of kin is trustworthy in word and resolute in action, success is the end of glory。志坚智达言信行果,失败的尽头是成功努力的终点是辉煌。
11. Not what things like this enthusiasm is contagious, it can move the stone, it is the true essence of。没有什么事情有象热忱这般具有传染性,它能感动顽石,它是真诚的精髓。
12. In the real life, every great cause is beginning with confidence, and the first step is to cross the confidence。在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。
13. Don't complain when you encounter difficulties, since you can't change the past, try to change the future。遇到困难时不要抱怨,既然改变不了过去,那么就努力改变未来。
14. Fighting force division dragon rock achievement, brilliant reproduction of the wind God helps those who help themselves。闻鸡起舞成就拼搏劲旅师,天道酬勤再现辉煌王者风。
15. The rain in summer and winter, ten years of grinding sword。 With our own wisdom to achieve the dream。风雨夏秋冬,十年磨一剑。用我们自己的智慧成就梦想。
16. Taste and tenderness to sleep on the brushwood, cocoon。 The golden dream round cut off all means of retreat, June。卧薪尝胆,尝破茧而触痛。破釜沉舟,圆金色六月梦。
17. Thank you, why does a three shift before sleep; most useless, is a day ten day of cold exposure。贵有恒,何须三更起五更眠;最无益,莫过一日曝十日寒。
18. Relentless years of increase in the reduction, a sweet youth bitter。 A set of lofty ideals and high aspirations, bright prospect。无情岁月增中减,有味青春苦甜。集雄心壮志,创锦绣前程。
19. Bear the pain of others can not help, eat what others can not eat the bitter, is in order to harvest the harvest。忍别人所不能忍的痛,吃别人所别人所不能吃的苦,是为了收获得不到的收获。
20.Obstacles and failures, is the most stable to the success of the stepping stone, willing to study the use of them, they can develop from the failure of success。障碍与失败,是通往成功最稳靠的踏脚石,肯研究利用它们,便能从失败中培养出成功。
1. 不能则学,不知则问,耻于问人,决无长进。
2. 竹笋虽然柔嫩,但它不怕重压,敢于奋斗敢于冒尖。
3. 骄傲来自浅薄,狂妄出于无知。骄傲是失败的开头,自满是智慧的尽头。
4. 书到用时方恨少、事非经过不知难。
5. 再好的种子,不播种下去,也结不出丰硕的果实。
6. 书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。
7. 勤奋加智慧是开启成功大门的钥匙。
8. 冷静思考的能力是一切智慧的开始,是一切善良的源泉。
9. 耕耘者的汗水是哺育种子成长的乳汁。
10. 蜂采百花酿甜蜜,人读群书明真理。
11. 假如你没有天赋,勤奋可以弥补它的不足。
12. 谦虚是学习的朋友,自满是学习的敌人。
13. 读书忌死读,死读钻牛角。
14. 忘掉失败,不过要牢记失败中的教训。
15. 不好的书告诉错误的概念,使无知者变得更无知。
16. 奋斗之路越曲折,心灵越纯洁。
17. 只有登上山顶,才能看到那边的风光。
18. 世界上那些最容易的事情中,拖延时间最不费力。
19. 我们要有恒心,尤其要有自信心。
20. 为了成材,松树从不向四季如春的温室外献殷勤。
21. 读书是易事,思索是难事。但两者缺一,便全无用处。
22. 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。
23. 松树在悬崖峭壁上巍然挺立,雄风不衰,是因为它具有勇于傲霜斗雪的内在气质。
24. 劳动是知识的源泉;知识是生活的指南。