一年级英语日记100字带翻译Spring Tour春游

小玉 1172分享

  Spring Tour    春游

  The weather in spring, bright spring days I went to spring outing, and buddy! On the way we have to play with the downtown, laughing and talking, can be happy! To that, the tree mother put out its long arm waving to us! The grass on the ground through like a green carpet that I dare not pressed down -- see, there's kids some catching butterflies, some talking in whispers, and sit under the tree cool! See, this is my spring outing, and wonderful and interesting!

  春暖花开,春光明媚的天气,我和小伙伴去春游啦! 在路上我们有说有笑,有打有闹,可开心了!到了那,大树妈妈伸出它那长长手臂向我们招手呢!地上的小草透如一条绿油油的地毯让我不敢往下踩﹍ 看,那边的小朋友有的在抓蝴蝶,有的在说悄悄话,还有的坐在大树下乘凉! 看到了吧,这就是我的春游,又精彩又有趣!
