Peach tours Tour 赏桃花一日游
Today, my mom and dad got up early, went to Feicheng to see the peach.
On the way to Feicheng, I thought to myself, there is not a lot of peach, peach is not a Olga?
Soon we reached our destination, and got out of the car! Good beautiful, than the imagination of the United states! As well as roadside willows, they are waving long braids flying in the air, air swallow twittering call, seemed to say: "welcome to the beautiful Feicheng", far from the peach blossom laughed red in the face, I feel like we entered the beautiful flowers.
很快我们就到达目的地了,下车一看,阿!好漂亮阿,比想象中的还美!路边还有柳树,它们正摇着长长的辫子在空中飞舞,空中的小燕子叽叽喳喳地叫着,好像再说:“欢迎来到美丽的肥城” ,远处的桃花都笑红了脸, 我感觉我们像进入了美丽的花海。
Apart from flowers, we dug wild vegetables, wild dandelion, dandelion, white Artemisia, is really kill two birds with one stone, not only can feast for the eyes can sinseong hoe, really is great the!
A good day like this in the past, there is also a sad heart happy, happy today is playing very happy, sad is reluctant to leave. Looking forward to the peach grow mature, then we'll pick the big and sweet peaches!