幼儿英语故事视频在线观看-On Arbor Day


  英文:   On Arbor Day   On Arbor Day,we are planting this small tree.   Dad is digging a hole in the ground.   My mom is putting the tree in the hole.   We are patting down the soil,together.   I am watering this tree.   My tree has very few leaves and is not very big,now.   But my tree will grow more branches,soon.   Then,my tree will make the air fresher.   My tree will make birds nest safely in its branches.   My tree will make blossoms for the bees.   My tree will make bark fot the insects.   And also,we all can rest in its shade.   Of course,I can climb it,too.Ha!Ha!   I wish my tree could grow fast!

  译文:   在植树节   在植树节那天,我们要种植小树。   爸爸在地面上挖了一个洞。   我的妈妈把树放在洞中。   我们一起拍入泥土。   我正在浇水。   我的树现在几乎没有树叶,也不是很大。   但是我的树将很快长出更多的枝干。   然后,我的树将使空气更新鲜。   我的树将使鸟儿的窝安全地安在它的枝干上。   我的树将为蜜蜂开花。   我的树将为昆虫提供树皮。   而且,我们都可以在它的树荫下休息。   当然,我也能爬上它。哈!哈!   我希望我的树能长的更快。


