
家敏 1163分享



There are so many people talking about how much their mother love them, whereas seldom people realize how much love their father give them. In fact, father's love is as strong as mother's, but normally, fathers are not very good of expressing their feelings. Father's love is deep and silent, that's why most people think their father love them less. If you carefully go through your childhood memory, you will notice your father is always there when you need them, though they never said it out loud how much they love you, father's like a shelter when the storm coming, father's like a door when there is danger outside, father is someone no matter how you treat him, he will choose to bear all the pressure and let you free. So please cheer for the love of father!



People often say that the father loves the mountain, but in my opinion, my father's love for me, and not entirely mountain as severe, sometimes gentle like water.

His father was a culture and virtuous man, although he is not as rich as other parents, but he pay for me absolutely as good as the other children, or even better than they are.

When talking about my father, I can not help but shed tears. His work is very busy at ordinary times, but in any case, greet me every day about study, life, as long as I study has a problem, he will be in your spare time to help me. From school to now, every parent he never absent, he once said: "no matter busy again, the child is always I consider the first".






Dear John, It’s Father’s Day today. It’s a special day, isn’t it? I think we should do something to show our love for our fathers on this special day. My father and I are good friends. Whenever I meet with difficulties, he is always there, ready to help me. Today I will make a beautiful card for him, with my thanks and best wishes on it. Then I will help him wash the car this afternoon and cook his favorite food in the evening. Besides, I’ll take a walk with him after dinner and then play chess with him, for he likes it very much. I’m sure he’ll be very happy. What’s your plan for Father’s Day? I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours,

亲爱的约翰: 今天是父亲节。它是一个特别的日子, 不是吗? 在这个特别的日子我认为我们应该做一些事情来向我们的父亲表达我们的爱。我的爸爸和我是好朋友。不论我什么时候遇到困难, 他总是在那里准备帮助我。今天, 我将为他制作一张漂亮的卡片, 在上面写上我的谢意和最美好的祝愿。然后下午我将帮助他洗汽车, 在晚上做他最喜欢吃的食物。此外, 晚饭后我将和他散步, 然后和他下象棋, 因为他非常喜欢下象棋。我确信他将非常高兴。你的父亲节计划是什么? 我期盼着你的来信。


The day after tomorrow, that is, June 19. Is father's day! You ready to give dad what gift? As I give you advice?

Most of his father likes to stay up late at night watching the game, if you also like me, is a small fan, then follow your father the old fans watching a wonderful game!

If your dad doesn't like football, and the day is not at home, that you will take advantage of this opportunity, your dad's shoes, socks, clothes... Take out all washing!

But if you do the coolie live, will help your dad to quit smoking! Not a lifetime all don't let father smoking, but in this days, don't let father smoking again, and said to him: "today is father's day, you can't smoke, smoking is harmful to health!"







Millions of words are to be told you, my father, but I have no idea where to start. In my heart, deep respect, affection and appreciation towards you are really beyond words of description…

You are always like a mighty mountain, carrying the world on your shoulders. You are always like a broad river, embracing all happiness and sorrow to your bosom. You are always like a solid bridge, assisting me to go through tribulations and hardships. You are always like a firm boat, taking me across all the storms and waves in life…

As a father, you are successful, for you have brought your two daughters into successes envied by others. As a husband, you are admirable, for you have been taking good care of your tender wife all the year round. As a son, you are famous and adorable, for you have been so kind to your parents and your wife’s that everyone around turned up their thumbs on you. And as a doctor, you are regretless, for all the folks in the town think highly of your medical techniques and ethics. But how could you be so miserable with your own son?

When all the village folks came to bid the last farewell to your son, you squatted there as if you were crawling on the ground. You said you had done everything in that way just for the sake of saving our mother, you said you hadn’t expected it like that and you said…

So I came to believe that the HEAVEN is jealous of the real talents, and I thought that your son was trying to escape from this earthly world in front of his seventy-year-old grandmother…

However, it was too late. How much did it take you to send your little son -- apple of your eye, pride of your soul -- to the hearse with your own hands? It was October according to the solar calendar, but how came light snow was descending from the sky and all the village folks were coming to see him off?

All of a sudden, a happy and harmonious family collapsed, and my mother broke down and meanwhile I was adopted by the most famous school -- No. 1 High School…

I didn’t know how you managed to cure my mother’s illness, I didn’t know how you made your lonely way, and I even didn’t know how you alone supported the whole family which almost broke into pieces…

When our mother came to a bit, you always told me all the heart-broken stories of your wife as kind of humorous ones. I was startled on hearing them, but you always put smiles on your face. I cannot remember how many times you smoked hard when you were alone. Obviously you were lost in the meditation of the agony and endless yearn…

Three years later, when my advice note of college matriculation flew into your hands, a smile of happiness and satisfaction burst on your face, and that was the only time ever since my brother went on his way three years before…

As your little daughter, a copy of you, my dear father, I was the only pride you’d like to boast and the only source where you derived all your happiness in those three years. But only your little daughter knew what it meant for you to lose such a remarkable and excellent son in the feudal atmosphere at that time. And only your little daughter knew what would brought to the family with her every single word or deed. She knew what it meant to fail in the college entrance examinations, and she knew no one else was bestowed the great responsibility of reviving the family. Therefore, she was determined to succeed in the examinations…

I still remember how relieved and satisfied you were when you saw me off at the bus station. Maybe it was I that reignited your hope of life. Anyway my mother recovered from her illness, and our family returned to the good lifestyle of long time before.

And I can feel that every time you see my daughter -- your granddaughter, your healthy and lovely granddaughter, you are filled with the passion of life…

Your daughter has recently bought an apartment, and this is greater news to you, for you know that life is changing for the better and even better…

It is Father’s Day today. Hereby your daughter presents you a song of Father to express my blessings to you and my mother for an eternity in life of happiness and health…


























