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account executive(广告或服务业)业务经理

accounts payable应付账款

accountancy (n.) 会计工作

accountant (n.)会计师(员)

accruals  (n. pl) money owed which is due at a later date 增长额,利息

act of God (n.)不可抗力

actual loss (n.) 实际损失(相对于帐面损失)

actuals 实货(相对于期货

advance  (n.)  预付款

预付v. [例]   The publishing house advanced me on royalties.

advance bill (n.)预付(开)票据

[例]   Dear customer, we will send you the advance bill for that batch by air express mail today.

adverse balance (n.)deficit赤字  

affiliate  (n.)成员,联号

[例]  That company is an affiliate of a prestigious holding group.

 (v.)附属于[例]  The business is affiliated to TCL Group.

afmd(abbr.) aforementioned 上述的[例]  You can refer to afmd post address for the dispatch.

aftermarket (n.) 二级市场[例]  Buy shares on a healthy aftermarket.

after sight (adv) t见票后付款 [例]  The bill should be paid at 60 days after sight.

against all risks


amortize (v.)分期清偿

[例]  The repayment of the bond is amortized in 5 years.


[例]  The contract was annulled.

anti-dumping反倾销 (adj.) anti-dumping laws

appendix 附录

[例]  to use an appendix for any information

[同义词]  addendum

arrival notice (n.)

到货通知 artificial person (n.) 


[例]  The company is regarded legally as an artificial person. 

[同义词]  fictitious person, juristic person

asset backing (n.)


[例]  We must ensure a solid asset backing for our company.

associate company (n.) 联营公司a company of which more than 20%, but less than 51% of the share capital is held by another company .

[例]  This firm is an associate company , not a holding company控股公司

ATM (n.) automatic teller machine

.attn (abbr) for the attention of交由某人亲启

[例]  He wrote ATTN Mr. Johnson. on the envelope.


You should ask a skilled attorney to authenticate the signature at the bottom of this document in case that it is a forged one.

[同义词]  certify



[例]  We have a lot of back orders.

 (v.) support资助

[例]  The bank backed my new venture.

[同义词]  support, encourage

back order (n.)积压定单 

After a long vacation, I found myself in a huge stack of back orders.

[同义词]  backlog

back out不履行[例]  You will be charged for sure if you back out of the contract.

[同义词]  default


[例]  The chief director was arrested for his involvement in some backhander affairs.

[同义词]  bribe

back up support 支持

[例]  You should back up all claims you make.

back-up( back up )备份

[例]I made a back-up of that document in case of some unforeseen damage to it.

bad faith (n.)欺诈

[例]  Bad faith will bring disasters to a cooperation in the long run. [反义词]  integrity ,good-will

B/A(bank acceptance )银行承兑汇票

[例]  We will issue a bank acceptance for the payment.

b/e (abbr) bill of exchange 汇票

benchmarking 基准测试Benchmarking has become one of the fashionable words in current management discussion.

bill of entry报关单

[例]  I will prepare a bill of entry , together with other required documents for the declaration of this batch of imported goods.

bill of lading(B/L) (n.)提货单

board meeting (n) 董事会

bonded house 保税仓库[例] The cargo is still in the bonded house.

bonded goods保税货物

We need permission to release these bonded goods to the importer.

broke破产的,一文不名的[例]  He was broke until he won the lottery.

[同义词]  insolvent

b-school ( business school ) 


The firm went bust.

buy up  尽可能买断

[例]In order to benchmark their products, they bought up all lines of their rivals.

by-product 副产品

[例]  Ammonia, coal tar and coke are all by-products obtained in the manufacture of the coal gas.

[同义词]  spin-off


[例]  We have noted your letter of November 28 under the above caption.

[同义词]  title

Catering industry 餐饮业

catch a cold  亏本

CBA (cost-benefit analysis)成本效益分析

certificate of origin 


checklist 清单



claimant (根据权利)提出要求者, 原告

clear (v)抛售

[例] The stock sold their goods at cost price in an attempt to clear old stock.

清关 [例]  clear the goods

collaboration (n.)  协作

consumables n. pl) 消耗品

continuous process (n.)连续生产, 连续处理


[例]  We use UPS as our courier for the shipping notice and the tracking Number is 231.

[同义词]  messenger, bearer, carrier

cost-effective (adj.) which gives value划算的

[例]  The scheme is cost-effective.

letter of credit(L/C)信用证


day book 日记账

danger money (n) 危险工作津贴

dear money (n)高利息借贷资本


deduct 扣除

[例]  After deducting all the costs, we actually made a loss.

[同义词]  subtract, take away


[例]  after deduction of tax

[同义词]  subtraction, reduction, decrease

Default   1..未履行2. (v.)违约defect缺陷n,



[例]  Under the policy of deflation , prices have fallen back to a normal level.

Delegate     1.委派为…代表 2.代理 3.大会代表

We note that you will have delegated your Miss Chris to attend the Shanghai Fair.


[例]  The Shanghai Trade Delegation was warmly received at Hong Kong Spring Commodities Fair.

denationalize 私营化

[例] Sooner or later, China’s communication sector will be completely denationalized.

[同义词] privatize

deposit account at有息存款,储蓄存款,押金

price differential 差价

managing director UK [US Chief Executive Officer] 执行总裁

direct flight直航

directory (n.)目录

[例] a telephone directory, a trade directory


[例]At last , the merger of these two big companies comes to disintegration.


[例]  In these newer markets the firm is dominant.

down payment 头期款购买时的部分付款

downturn 低迷时期

drawer 开票人



[例] The business of this company is dull this year.


例] Keep the duplicate for your reference.

[同义词] copy

duty-free 免税的

[例]  duty-free merchandise


[例]  a free market economy

economies (n. pl) savings积蓄

[例]  We need to introduce some economies.

economics (n. pl) 经济学


[例]  an economical car [同义词]  thrifty

economic efficiency (n.)经济效益

[例]  The economic efficiency is higher this year than last year.

economic sanctions (n) 经济制裁

[例]  The UN decided to life the long-term economic sanctions on Iraq.

economic 赚钱的,有利润的

[例]  This project doesn’t make economic sense.


[例]  There is an economic crisis.

economy of scale 规模经济

economy class经济舱

(be) eligible for 有资格的

embezzle 挪用公款

例]  The GM is charged with embezzling funds from the company’s account.


[例] This research project is endowed by an international charity. end-product


[同义词] finished goods

holiday entitlement (n.)the right to have holiday休假权利

entrant (n.) one that enters a market市场进入者


[例]  My passport expires in a month.[同义词]  terminate


[例] The solicitor acted as fiduciary .

2. (adj.) of or relating to a holding of something in trust for another 信托的[例] a fiduciary contract

flat 萧条的

[例]  The American market was flat in 1995.

flawed (adj.) having defects有瑕疵的

[例]  I am writing to apologize for our flawed samples.

force majeure不可抗力

[例] Due to force majeure , this deal turned out to be a great failure.

[同义词]Act of God

foreclose  取消(抵押品的)赎回权

[例] That bank foreclosed on the mortgage.

frequent flyer


frill [ fril ] (n.) a luxury 奢侈品 



[例]  Bill Gates is the guru in the IT world.

haggle (v) to bargain, as over the price of something讨价还价

[例] He preferred to be overcharged than to haggle.

hands -on (adj.)亲身经历的

[例]  He judged it by hands-on experience.



[例]  Hedging can help offset the constant rise and fall in the price of commodities traded.

idle money闲置资金


jargon 行话,术语


[例] In that inflation, prices of most commodities jumped.



[例]  Just-in-time system reduces the cost of stock and increases the flexibility of management.


[例] He was charged with receiving kickbacks from local businessmen.

knowhow/know-how (n.)专有知识

[例]  She is such a quick learner that she has grasped all the knowhow of her job in just 2 weeks.

[同义词]  expertiise 

lump sun 总金额

例]  The lump sum for that payment comes to 20 m dollars.

majority shareholding more than 50% of the shares主要股权,大股东

mark down减价

synthetic materials (n)人工合成材料

maternity leave产假

[例]She is now on her maternity leave and will be back in office next month.

mature (v) 到期

[例]The insurance policy matures on the 3rd, March.

[同义词]expire , due

MBO(=management by objectives)


minutes (n)


[例]The secretary took the minutes of the meeting.

multinational (n)


This multinational will branch out into South American.


near money准货币

[同义词] quasi-money

nominate (v)提名

[例]All board members nominated David for the president.

2.任命He was nominated by the selection board as area manager directing the sales in North China.



[例]The terms in the contract are all by agreement of two parties and is non-negotiable.


nosedive (v)猛跌

[例]Stock prices took a nosedive. 

[同义词] plummet

null and void (adj) without legal force 无效的

[例]The lease contract matured last Saturday , so it is now null and void. 

[同义词] invalid


[例]Due to default of our partner, we nullified the contract. 

[同义词] invalidate.


[例]drug traffic on city streets


[例] to traffic in fires

travel agency = travel bureau 旅行社

[例]  Many travel agencies suffered a huge loss from SRAS.

in triplicate一式三份

[例]  Please type these documents in triplicate问题解答

trouble shooting (n.)

TT ( telegraphic transfer ) 电汇

turnover (n.) 1. total amount of sales营业额

[例]  Our turnover in 1991 was 25% up on 1990.

2. speed at which staff or stock change周转,流通量

[例]  Because of the poor management, there is a large turnover in this company.


[例] an oil tycoon

ultimate consumer最终用户[例] Proactive Marketing is creating demand of ultimate consumers instead of meeting their requirements and Sony company is an excellent performer of such marketing.

understaffed 人手不足的


[例] an ungeared account


variation  (n.)变化,变量

[例]  Seasonal variations account for much of the drop in sales.

voucher  (n.) coupon 优惠券 [例]  a gift voucher

volume business (n) t大批量交易[例] We only deal in volume business ,having no interest in such trading.W

white goods (n.) products such as refrigerators and washing machines used in the kitchen



wildcat (adj) highly risky高风险的[例]This business project is a wildcat scheme.

zero defect (n.)无事故, 无疵残

[例]  They improved the technique and got zero defect this year.
