
zjj 1172分享

  【参考译文】:今天是正月十五元宵节,在中国人眼里十五都是团圆节,我们一家人来到外公家吃汤圆。 来到外公家,我看见外公揉面团娴熟的翻过来,惆过去,立起来,横过去。抻、拉、压、拽,为所欲为。还时不时的让我按住脸盆,倒下开水。面粉成型了。外公开始做汤圆了,他先取出一小块面粉团,在中间开个小洞,双手有节奏的将一个小洞变成一个大洞,在洞里放入芝麻糊,又慢慢地将四周的面粉向洞里靠,洞又没了。我认真地学习着,一眨眼工夫,20只汤圆可以放入锅了。汤圆在沸水中翻滚着,慢慢浮上来,当我刚想尝尝自己的劳动成果时,舅舅提醒道:“现在还不能吃,里面的馅还没有熟,要再加一次火。”听了舅舅的话,我耐心地等着。终于,汤圆熟了,我将第一碗盛给了外公,外公笑得眼睛成了缝,我又盛了一碗给舅舅,舅舅说:“还是我外甥对我好!”我们吃着汤圆,甜在心里,我这次比以前多吃了好多。 我们吃完汤圆,又决定去观花灯,有猪八戒嘻皮笑脸的花灯,也有抗日大将李大钊坚贞不屈的花灯,还有一心向佛的唐僧花灯,有白雪公主与七个小矮人一起玩耍的花灯,也有小英雄雨来英勇的花灯,还有为自己想的少,为别人想多的鲁迅花灯----- 十五的夜晚,家家都欢声笑语,真美好呀!


  Today is the 15th day of the Lantern Festival in China, 15 are the eyes TuanYuanJie, our whole family came to the public eat the dumpling. Come to the public, I see grandpa knead the dough adept upside down and Chou past, stand up, cross over. Prevented, pull, pressure, and ye, do whatever he wants. Also now let me hold washbasin, fall boiling water. Flour were formed. Grandpa began making dumplings, he removed first a small piece of bread dough, break in the middle a small hole, both hands rhythmic will be a small hole into a big hole in the cave into sesame seed, and will slowly around the flour to cave depend, hole is gone. I learn seriously, blink, 20 only dumpling can pan. Dumpling in boiling water, rolled slowly float, when I just want to try own work achievement, uncle warns: "now still cannot eat, the inside of the filling isn't ripe yet, want to add a fire." Listen to the uncle of words, I waited patiently. Finally, soup, mellow, I will first bowl filled to grandpa, grandpa laughed eyes became seam, I again filled a bowl for uncle, uncle said: "or my nephew is good to me!" We eat the dumpling, sweet in heart, this time I ate a lot of more than before.
