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  Lots of schools today detain their students at school on weekends for extra classes, because of the severe competitions for high rates of their students being admitted into key universities.

  It hinders the all-round development of students, as little time is left for them to do things other than their lessons.

  Teenage is a time of growing up both physically and mentally. Sitting all day in the classroom does damage to their health and being exposed to nothing but text books narrows their view.

  What society needs are people who are able to find and solve problems or talents who could come up with new ideas or create new things, not idiots who are good for nothing but memorizing facts or repeating what’s in textbooks. Keeping students buried in textbooks in classrooms for endless hours deprives them of the time and opportunities to develop their abilities of doing things, let alone creativity.

  Even for the purpose of bettering the students’ performance in exams, keeping them in the same classroom doing the same lessons is no good, because different students have different needs of help. In this regard, turning to an experienced tutor might be a better choice.



